The rapid adoption of generative AI technologies has generated extensive discussion. In his role as Head of Innovation and Technologies at Fujitsu Luxembourg, Steve Heggen have noticed an intriguing ...
When I visit Japan, I am always impressed by the density of information everywhere. Ads fill public spaces, train maps meticulously detail every route, and Japanese TV shows are layered with texts, ...
In a context where sustainability has become imperative, companies must master their data to assess and reduce its impact. According to Cédric Jadoul, Managing Director of Fujitsu Luxembourg, data is ...
本製品は販売を終了いたしました。 4段階チルト機構。LANポート×1、USBコネクタ×4のインターフェースを装備。充電アダプタは附属しません。本体添付品を使用します。 LANクレードル(FHTUL781) 充電アダプタは付属しません。本体添付品を使用します。 充電 ...
Die Fujitsu Private GPT AI-Lösung wurde entwickelt, um eine intelligente private, chatbasierte lokale Wissensdatenbank bereitzustellen. Diese On-Premise-Lösung bringt die GenAI-Technologie in den ...
Our advanced HPC systems, including the upcoming Monaka supercomputer, provide unprecedented computational power with a very low level of energetical consumption, while our quantum technologies—such ...