Recovered paper is the most important raw material for the European paper and board industry. More than 50 per cent of total paper and board production in Europe is made from recycled fibre. EUWID ...
Publication paper is of great importance for publishers and retailers. However, newspaper and magazine publishers, printers and retailers are all losing readers and customers to digital rivals. In a ...
Corrugated case material (CCM) is the base paper for corrugated packaging products. With an annual production in excess of 30 million tonnes, it is the biggest single market segment in the European ...
Mayr-Melnhof has successfully sold its Northern Irish paper sacks business MM Bangor to a local financial investor, Cordovan Capital Management. The new CEO, John J Fitzgerald, confirmed on Linked ...
The European fine paper industry produced and shipped more than 11.5 million tonnes of woodfree coated and uncoated paper in 2019. Demand in Europe has been in decline for years and volumes are now 30 ...
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Pulp manufacturers have been pushing for price hikes since the start of the year. World's largest bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp producer Suzano is set to tack on $60/t for March in Europe.