From other research we know that such a pattern of bodily responses shows that someone’s attention is fully absorbed by a ...
Note for students: please check your specific programme calendar for your official term dates, as some programmes differ slightly.
Combined Honours in Social Sciences provides flexibility and choice across Durham’s breadth of world-renowned research-led education, allowing you to create a bespoke, academically ambitious degree ...
Our postgraduates study and research across the spectrum of English Studies with support from world-leading scholars and an excellent research environment. Postgraduate students benefit especially ...
In the Department of Mathematical Sciences, we seek to link education and research in distinctive and creative ways. Initially, we focus on the understanding of proof and on developing students’ ...
All around us, massive amounts of increasingly complex data are being generated and collected to be used across all asepcts of our part of this future and study for a Master of Data Science ...
We offer a broad range of postgraduate programmes which have been designed to fit with our areas of expertise so that you can benefit from access to the most up-to-date research. A number of study ...
We are opening our doors to an ever greater range of students. In her monthly column, our Vice-Chancellor Professor Karen O’Brien explores some of the student support packages recently launched to ...
Our scientists have played a leading role in creating the largest-ever 3D map of the universe, using data from 15 million galaxies and quasars. The map was produced by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic ...
Durham University is one of the UK's leading research universities with world-class expertise in science, engineering and technology, business, social science, the arts and humanities. Durham ...
We offer a range of postgraduate taught programmes offering the opportunity to pursue advanced specialist courses and also conversion courses from other degrees. Our Masters courses offer the ...
Flexibility is at the heart of the Durham Online MBA programme as you can personalise your programme to meet your career goals. You can study fully online, complete some of your learning at Durham, ...