Over two decades after its publication, the paper "Caches and Hash Trees for Efficient Memory Integrity Verification" has been awarded the Test of Time Award at the 2025 IEEE International Symposium ...
I am happy to announce the upcoming edition of our DSDSD series, introducing Marcel Weisgut & Nils Strassenburg from the ...
Earthquakes caused by gas extraction in Groningen are now more predictable, thanks to new research that combines advanced ...
Our research group focuses on how computer programs can learn from and understand data, and then make useful predictions based on it. These algorithms integrate insights from various fields, including ...
Joost Batenburg published more than 80 journal articles and more than 60 conference papers in the field of tomographic image processing and reconstruction. From 2013 till 2017 he chaired the EU COST ...
March is International Women's Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of ...
The Database Architectures (DA) research group of CWI is well known as a leading data systems research group, active in the broad area of analytical database management systems. Our research group has ...
Nature and technology are full of dynamics, often involving multiple scales in length, time and energy. To model these processes, we combine scientific computing with model reduction and machine ...
Our research group is developing the next generation of 3D imaging – enabling scientists to look further into objects of all kinds. Based on mathematics, algorithms and numerical solution techniques, ...
De bibliotheekwereld verandert razendsnel door de ontwikkelingen in het digitale ecosysteem. Wil jij meehelpen om ons door die veranderingen te loodsen? Kom dan werken bij de bibliotheek van CWI Als ...
Our research group focuses on facilitating and improving the way people use interactive systems and how people communicate with each other. We combine data science with a strong human-centric, ...