If one thing has got simpler in this complicated world over the past year, it is bp’s strategy. We have reset to deliver ...
当社は、本ウェブサイトを適切に機能させるため、サイトのパフォーマンスに関する情報を収集・分析する目的でクッキー(および同等のテクノロジー)を使用しています。また、クッキーは本サイトおよびソーシャルネットワークを含む第三者のサイトを ...
We are proud to be a longstanding partner of the McGrath Foundation. McGrath Breast Care Nurses provide trusted, consistent and knowledgeable support for families by offering medical expertise, ...
From left: Yoji Muto, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; Yukio Kani, Global CEO and Chair of JERA; William Lin, executive vice president for gas and low carbon energy, bp; and Jonathan ...
bp has announced the successful completion of drilling operations at the El Fayoum-5 gas discovery well in the North Alexandria Offshore Concession, marking the final well in its four-slot drilling ...
Participants in our early engagement programs will get the opportunity to hear from the brightest minds in bp and learn from their experiences as leaders in a global company, participate in ...
In Whiting, Indiana – home to bp’s largest refinery – the company is training electricians, welders, and other tradespeople to support innovation, safety and economic growth. We believe that ...
bp has announced the start of production from the second development phase of the Raven field, offshore Egypt, which involves the subsea tieback of additional Raven infill wells to its existing ...
At bp, our fleet is central to our mission to connect the global energy market. Our vessels are among the most technologically advanced in the world and among the most fuel efficient for their size ...
bp currently works with over 40,000 global and diverse suppliers across 70 countries. Building strong relationships with our contractors and suppliers is an important step in delivering our net zero ...
bp today reached agreement on all contractual terms with the Government of the Republic of Iraq to invest in several giant oil fields in Kirkuk providing for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of ...
From data crunching to digital replicas of our assets, technology is in action across bp. Our head of technology, Emeka Emembolu, takes a look at the ways it’s helping to make us smarter, safer and ...