Tirlán has today announced that it will pay a total of 56.08c/L (including VAT) for February creamery milk supplies.
The United States has reported it's first outbreak of H7N9 avian influenza since 2017, on a poultry farm in Mississippi.
The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index is unchanged after the latest auction event today reflecting an average price of €3,888/mt ...
This week's factory quotes have seen as much as 30c/kg added to beef price offers despite the four day kill at most sites ...
Member states have reached an agreement on the European Council's negotiating mandate on the use of new genomic techniques ...
Popular in the US, a draper header differs from the standard unit in having belts carry the crop to the central intake rather than an auger.
An Bord Pleanála has rejected an appeal against planning permission for a slatted cubicle shed on a farm in Co. Kilkenny.
Fine Gael Senator, Paraic Brady has called for an increase in the fines for fly-tipping in local bogs to a minimum of €10,000.
Boortmalt may have upped its forward barley price to €240/t, but this is still well below the €300/t demanded at the recent growers meeting ...
Met Éireann has said that it will be mainly dry for the coming days, but slightly more unsettled conditions are expected by ...
A question on farmers minds as grazing gets underway in parts of the country is should cattle be dosed for worms before going ...
Begin to walk paddocks and review the annual tonnage of each paddock on the farm to identify paddocks for a spring reseed.