It is essential that the standard supports and enables credible corporate climate action; for WWF that means reflecting the most recent climate science, market transformation led by corporate action, ...
mid-1970s A number of pandas in the northern part of their range are thought to be starving after a mass flowering and subsequent die-off of bamboo, as happens periodically 1974-1977 Ministry of ...
We are looking for a full-time Sustainable Finance Policy Officer to join our sustainable finance team. The ideal candidate should have experience in sustainable finance and corporate accountability ...
We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent ...
Working to stop harmful marine pollution at the source. © Troy Mayne / WWF The health, resilience and productivity of marine and coastal ecosystems is increasingly ...
A healthy ocean plays a vital role in stabilizing the world’s climate and sustaining life on Earth. Climate change presents a pervasive threat to the health, resilience and productivity of the world’s ...
The good news? Solutions exist to meet the demands of urban lifestyles while staying within our planet’s ecological boundaries. WWF's vision: help foster One Planet Cities across the globe – cities ...
We know that one organization alone can’t effect the change needed. The changes we want to see in the world can only come about through the efforts of many actors. Below is a selection of partnerships ...
Plastic production and consumption is out of control. We are being force-fed more plastic than we need and in a way that makes it impossible to responsibly manage. To this point, plastic producers ...
A WWF policy brief analysing the third iteration of the "non-paper", a document that will serve as the basis of negotiations at INC-5, finds the document lacking in core measures that would make the ...
En 1987, Carlos Castaño Uribe vio por primera vez la Serranía del Chiribiquete y, dos años más tarde, lo convirtió en un Parque Nacional Natural. En 1987, Carlos Castaño Uribe vio por primera vez la ...
Despite our fascination with them, the number of big cats in the wild is declining. Lions currently occupy 10% of their historical range with less than 20,000 left in the wild. Snow leopards are ...