Project is a collaborative project of researchers in India and Brown University. The project aims to systematically collect data on urban India, focusing in particular on assessing the quality of ...
Scientists and security analysts have warned for more than a decade that global warming is a potential national security concern. They project that the consequences of global warming – rising seas, ...
Military spending makes up a dominant share of discretionary spending in the United States; military personnel make up the majority of U.S. government manpower; and military industry is a leading ...
The history of the last half century in America, Europe, and other major economies is in large part the story of wealth flowing upward. The most affluent people emerged from capitalism's triumph in ...
External Affairs at NSU during 2015. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Manitoba, Canada, during 2009-2013. Dr. Khan had been a Visiting ...
Over one half of the federal government’s total assets — buildings, aircraft, ships, vehicles, computers, and weapons — are used for national defense. In 2000, the Pentagon’s total assets were valued ...
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Inequality in America Initiative at Harvard University, National Science Foundation SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University ...
Source: The Long-Term Costs of U.S. Care for Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, by Linda Bilmes (2021) The commitment to veterans continues long after wars ends. Those who have been deployed ...
Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi Meera and Vikram Gandhi Fellowships enable major journalists, public figures and scholars working on India to undertake substantial ...
This paper examines labor abuses during the war in Afghanistan, focusing on how the U.S. is denying legally-required compensation to foreign workers in war zones. The U.S. government leaned heavily on ...
America’s military-industrial complex has been rapidly expanding from the Capital Beltway to Silicon Valley. Although much of the Pentagon’s budget is spent on conventional weapons systems, the ...
Lyle J. Goldstein is the Director of the China Initiative and Visiting Professor at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. At Brown, he is investigating the ...