Al Jazeera’s 101 East – As the Black Lives Matter movement spreads across the globe, we investigate Australia’s Indigenous incarceration crisis. Across Australia, Indigenous people are ...
How many more people must die? Whose child will be next? How many bodies do we have to climb over before there is any sense of urgency? According to the Chair of the Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC) ...
From 2008 to 2012, and even thereafter, Indonesian children were jailed in Australian adult prisons. They were cooks and deckhands on boats providing passage to asylum seeks who had languished in ...
In a recent article in The Sunday Times the Australian Liberty Alliance announced with some considerable fanfare that Dr Marion Hercock was to be their new senate candidate. Dr Hercock is an academic ...
In Perth, people remember the massacre of Yaburara People. In the west Pilbara, and across the nation, people gathered on Sunday at the site of the world famous Burrup peninsula, in the midst of the ...
It’s not uncommon for people to ask me what term I prefer to use when describing my background from my father’s side of the family. In most instances, my answer is plainly and simply “Black”. In the ...
Each suicide is not only a personal tragedy but dramatically affects the lives of families. With one person reportedly suiciding every 40 seconds around our world, suicide has become a public health ...
The more west we journey across the nation the higher the arrest rates, the higher the jailing rates. In the last two decades Australia’s prison population has doubled. The national prison population ...
Rumours have long swelled Noongar communities that the Premier of Western Australia, Colin Barnett has Noongar heritage. Scores have told The National Indigenous Times throughout the last couple of ...
The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH), the Western Australian Council of Social Services (WACOSS) and the Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (WANADA) ...
There is a historic opportunity unfolding for the High Court of Australia to improve the bargaining powers of native title claimants. It is nearly a quarter of a century since the Mabo 2 High Court ...
Last week the South Australian parliament moved one step closer to amending their Constitution to include Aboriginal peoples and recognise them as having occupied Australia prior to colonialism.