Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll – i.e. every week – ...
The world is in turmoil as political and economic uncertainty grow, and as conflict spreads. How the Left prepares for the ...
By pursuing cuts, selling off assets to multinationals, enabling ACT’s attacks on the Treaty and cutting back on climate ...
Here in NZ, we don’t hear as much from and about the science sector except for the odd article that makes reasoned arguments ...
Luxon’s team have delivered zero deals out of the multibillionaire conference on infrastructure. This is a fail.
Nicola Willis is picking a fight with unions and environmental groups by proposing changes to Government procurement rules ...
As space becomes more contested, Australia should play a key role with its partners in the Combined Space Operations (CSpO) initiative to safeguard the space domain. Australia, Britain, Canada and the ...
As the Coalition moves to partially privatise our healthcare system, and Seymour fatally undermines the free school lunch ...
People are getting carried away with the virtues of small warship crews. We need to remember the great vice of having few people to run a ship: they’ll quickly tire. Yes, the navy is struggling ...
Simeon Brown has been busy lately. His latest announcement was that the scheme allowing for screening for bowel cancer for Maori and Pacifica over 50 would be cancelled and instead the age for ...
Chris Hipkins has released his priorities should he be Prime Minister. They do not include addressing climate change.