Comments by official spokesperson following OpenReach campaign suggest ministers are keen to force landlords to accept fibre ...
The BoE's Monetary Policy Committee has decided to hold its base rate at 4.5%, citing global trade changes led by the US and ...
Legal ombudsman says solicitors should get ready for unhappy customers who have to pay more Stamp Duty when this month's ...
Propertymark and others say a freezing of the Base Rate might disappoint some in the property sector, but long-term stability ...
If the Bank of England continues to lower the base rate, property prices in all regions of the UK could recover, says Kate ...
Stirling-based Forth Residential letting agency was given a £102 fine for an inspection failure and ordered to pay landlord ...
Sales and lettings agency, Cheffins, is marking its 200-year anniversary with a major fundraising push which will benefit ...
The portal's research shows that 78% of property owners do not know how much their home is worth, with most undervaluing it.
Deal between provider Chimni and HW Conveyancing Searches follows 12 months spent quizzing clients over their appetite for ...
In a sign of the rising fears over future rent arrears among landlords, RentGuarantor Holdings PLC has astonishing rises in ...
Eviction and housing law specialists, Landlord Action, has grown from a two to 20+ person operation, handling thousands of possession cases ...
Goodlord CEO explains how unintended effect of renting reforms will be to distort the market as landlords and tenants grapple ...