Gold Medalist denied the allegations against actor Kim Soo-hyun, including rumors of a romantic relationship with the late Kim Sae-ron during her teenage years and the pressure for compensation from ...
Separately from the government's announcement on the 'transition to inheritance acquisition tax,' a call has been made within the People Power Party to promptly process the proposed bill aimed at ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 13th (local time) that he "principally supports" the ceasefire plan agreed upon by the United States and Ukraine, while mentioning the Ukrainian forces ...
The Homeplus union criticized that "the majority shareholder, private equity firm MBK Partners, intends to euthanize Homeplus by relying on the hands of others (the courts and creditors)," and that ...
SOOP announced on the 12th that it will live stream all matches of the 37th ‘World Three Cushion Team Championship.’ The event will take place in Viersen, Germany, from March 13 to 16, organized by ...
도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 아일랜드 최대 명절인 성패트릭데이를 맞아 백악관의 연례 축하행사에 온 미할 마틴 아일랜드 총리와 회담 중 J.D. 밴스 부통령의 양말에 찬사를 보냈다. 밴스 부통령은 마틴 총리의 방문을 환영하는 의미에서 작은 녹색의 세잎 ...
As trade tensions between the United States and China drive up rare metal prices, forecasts indicate that domestic refining companies may benefit. Rare metal prices have surged as the Chinese ...
The ruling and opposition parties agreed on the 6th to discuss the introduction of the 'automatic adjustment mechanism' later and to proceed with the primary reforms such as adjusting the insurance ...
서강대의 제17대 총장으로 연임된 심종혁 총장의 취임식이 오는 13일 오전 10시 30분 서강대 성이냐시오관 성당에서 열린다. 심 총장은 서강대학교 수학과(74학번) 출신으로, 지난 1981년 물리학과 석사 과정을 마쳤다. 이후 미국 보스턴의 웨스턴 신학교에서 신학과 ...
Kakao founder Kim Beom-soo is stepping down as co-chair of the CA Council. Accordingly, the CA Council will transition to a system with Jeong Sin-ah as the sole chair. The CA Council is an independent ...
The Ministry of SMEs and Startups has launched support for AI startups, including 57 trillion won for the innovative growth sectors such as AI and semiconductors. On the 20th, the Ministry of SMEs and ...