We feature a special edition of the weekly frontline news report from the electronic intifada with Nora Barrows Friedman: And ...
In a crucial discussion, Hard Knock Radio host Davey D interviews Dr. Rosa Clemente, a journalist, political activist, and former vice-presidential candidate. They discuss the rising threats to ...
Guests: Raquel E. Aldana is Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law at the University of California, Davis. Aldana teaches criminal procedure, asylum and refugee law, immigration law and policy, ...
Could Massive Demonstrations Against Despots and Kleptocrats in Serbia and Hungary be a Model For the US to Get Rid of Trump and Musk? We begin with massive street demonstrations against kleptocratic ...
Ziad Abbas, Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, responds to Israel’s latest slaughter of innocent Palestinians, including women. and children, cut down as they tried to flee the ...
In the past month, around 13,500 New York prison guards went on a wildcat strike. The New York Governor responded by sending National Guard troops to work as prison guards in the states prisons.
Guest: Michelle Chen is a contributing writer for The Nation, a contributing editor at Dissent magazine and a co-producer of Dissent’s “Belabored” podcast. She can be found on at @meeshellchen Photo: ...
While the wealthy disproportionately own real estate in the U.S., in many locales the properties of low income homeowners and especially homeowners of color are assessed and taxed at levels higher ...
Is Leonard Peltier’s freedom in peril, based on new Trump statements accusing  Biden of illegal pardons and legal actions ...
Despite over a hundred deadly acts by far-right militants since the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and the far right’s attempts to obstruct transfer of power to a duly elected ...
Guest: Loretta J. Ross is an activist, public intellectual, and a professor of women, gender studies, reproductive rights, white supremacy, and human Rights.  She is the author of many books including ...