The terminology provides terms related to conservation, in English, French and Spanish. The purpose of it is to ensure consistency across all IUCN publications and documents. It is regularly updated.
For more information on the benefits of IUCN membership, who can apply and how, please read on.
The IUCN Green List is a global campaign for successful nature conservation. At its heart is the Green List Sustainability Standard that provides a global benchmark for how to meet the environmental ...
Launched in September 2021, the IUCN Academy harnesses IUCN’s global expertise to deliver innovative learning journeys for professionals, postgraduate students and leaders eager to make a meaningful ...
Termes de Référence de l'Initiative de Tourisme Bleu (BTI) au profit des Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC) dans le Parc National d'Al Hoceima (PNAH)-Maroc. Date et heure de clôture : 27 Mars ...
International Women’s Day, we celebrate the extraordinary contributions of women in shaping a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future for all. Women and girls are at the forefront of conservation ...
Nuestra diversa membresía también nos permite ser una incubadora de ideas y un repositorio fiable de mejores prácticas, herramientas y normas internacionales. Proporcionamos un espacio neutral en el ...
La 112ª reunión del Consejo de la UICN tiene lugar en la histórica ciudad colonial de La Antigua Guatemala, desde el 28 al 30 de enero de 2025. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, 28 de enero, 2025 (UICN) ...
IUCN counts over 1,400 Members from over 160 countries. Use the fields below to discover which organizations and institutions are Members of IUCN. You can search by title or acronym, country and ...
Data, analysis, convening and action.
The Congress aims to improve how we manage our natural environment for human, social and economic development, but this cannot be achieved by conservationists alone. The IUCN Congress is the place to ...
A call for mobilisation to the entire Union.