It’s only a century since US diplomats first persuaded the world that it’s wrong for countries to annex their neighbours.
Jimmy Carter is known for his defense of human rights worldwide. But in 1979, he threatened to deport thousands of Iranian ...
HNN recently asked 203 American historians to grade Barack Obama's presidency on an A-F scale. The results are in: President Barack Obama gets a B-. Historians graded the president on sixteen ...
Mr. Fantina is the author of Desertion and the American Soldier, 1776-2005 (Algora Publishing, 2006). U.S. soldiers are deserting the military in ever-increasing numbers. Many who have actually fought ...
To see what the first Thanksgiving was like you have to go to: Texas. Texans claim the first Thanksgiving in America actually took place in little San Elizario, a community near El Paso, in 1598 -- ...
Keith Miller has been a speaker with the OAH Distinguished Lectureship Series since 1999. Let me begin with a short story. The great tank commander--George S. Patton--found out the hard way how ...
Luther Spoehr is an HNN book reviewer and a senior lecturer at Brown University. Finally, Wald’s detailed dissection of first-hand accounts suggests that the crowd’s reaction was much more mixed and ...
“In this compelling first volume of what will no doubt be a landmark biography of perhaps our greatest president, Sidney Blumenthal brings his formidable storytelling and analytical gifts to the task ...
Dr. Yanek Mieczkowski chairs the History Department at Dowling College. A specialist in post-World War II U.S. history, he is the author of Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s (2005) and The ...
Edward O’Donnell is an Associate Professor of History at Holy Cross College. He is the author of 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Irish American History (Broadway Books). Learn more at ...
Following is a list of articles and press releases appearing on HNN that concern bias in the teaching and writing of history. Articles are listed in reverse chronological order.