Market restructuring and regulatory requirements are changing the way utilities operate. At the center of industry change is the Customer Information System, often referred to as the CIS. By upgrading ...
Electric Energy T&D Magazine serves the fields of electric utilities, investor owned, rural and other electric cooperatives, municipal electric utilities, independent power producers, electric ...
Use of the arc reflection method combined with a high capacitance surge generator and state-of-the-art pinpointing devices for underground cable fault locating will find faults in less time and with ...
In today’s changing utility environment, one thing remains constant - electric utilities are continually looking for better ways to increase transmission capacity to satisfy the ever-growing demand ...
Ash Creek Renewables ("Ash Creek" or the "Company"), a platform dedicated to developing renewable fuel feedstock solutions and a portfolio company. . .
Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO) ("Oklo"), an advanced nuclear company, announced significant milestones as part of its journey toward deploying its first. . .
As of 2024, the value of announced deals in the industry exceeded $150 billion, nearly double the value through the same ...
Home to more than 35% of all hyperscale data centers worldwide, Northern Virginia's data centers represent 13% of global ...
As the power grid evolves to meet increasing demands and environmental challenges, professionals in the electrical ...
TRENDE Inc., a leading renewable energy solutions provider in Japan, has announced the successful completion of a JPY 1.07 billion (approximately USD 7.2 million) funding round through third-party all ...
Osmose, the leading provider of utility infrastructure asset assessment, restoration, and life extension solutions, and Neara, an AI-powered predictive modeling platform for utility networks, have. .
FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), a FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) subsidiary doing business as Penn Power in western Pennsylvania, is replacing underground cable and related equip. . .