Currently, elected state officials, as well as department directors, can't be lobbyists within two years of holding position.
Superintendent Susie Hedalen said this week she wanted to reassure Montana educators and families that funding for schools ...
River census' bill preliminarily approved, heard in House Appropriations, would provide data on 966 miles of rivers in ...
The report will be provided to the full Senate to determine whether former Senate President’s actions breached ethical ...
A federal judge says that the principle of judicial immunity doesn't apply to two Bozeman judges that have refused to take ...
Greenpeace was found by a North Dakota jury of being guilty of inciting protests and damaging a pipeline company in protests ...
HB 392 gives legal, financial protections to minors for appearance in parent blogs and other social media content.
A fund from American Rescue Plan Act interest money is expected to grow to $101 million, and legislators want oversight.
Columnist Russell Rowland interviews Montana Senate Minority Leader Pat Flowers who has found common ground with Republicans.
Bill from Rep. Stafman aims to ensure public records from Governor's Office are open and limit "executive privilege." ...
Committee nears end of fact-finding mission following three hearings; business associate Eggleston pleads fifth, declines to ...
A joint resolution sitting in the committee, SJ 19, brought by Sen. Andrea Olsen, is asking for a public transportation.