More than 400 Hollywood creatives have signed an open letter urging the Trump administration to reject the proposals OpenAI and Google.
O Zoom announced a major update to your AI Companion, introducing new agentive capabilities and skills that enable the ...
O Google Research has launched the first AI-powered FireSat satellite designed for early detection of wildfires.
A federal judge denied the request for Elon Musk for an injunction against the structural changes of the OpenAI. Know more!
A OpenAI has just published its 15-page submission to the White House's call for public input on the AI ​​Action Plan.
Entre seu Projeto Stargate de US$ 500 bilhões e a crescente influência em Washington, as ambições regulatórias da OpenAI agora rivalizam com suas ambições técnicas. Mas a pressão por isenções de leis ...
Major Wall Street financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase are stepping up their use of AI in their operations.
律師和國際法碩士生,我擁有民主和自由作為不可否認的旗幟。我對動物充滿熱情,並相信地球的福祉應該成為我們社會議程 ...
یک وکیل متخصص در انطباق و حسابرسی، من همیشه به رسانه های اجتماعی متصل هستم و به دنبال چالش های جدید هستم. من یک مادر حیوان خانگی هستم و عاشق سفر هستم.
大型金融机构 华尔街如 高盛, 花旗集团 e 摩根大通,正在加强使用人工智能(人工智能)在其运营中的作用,同时也警告了伴随这种转变而来的新风险。这这些公司的年度报告 揭示人们越来越担心软件“幻觉”、员工士气问题、网络犯罪分子使用人工智能以及 ...
Um dos principais riscos apontados é a possibilidade de modelos de IA produzirem resultados falhos ou não confiáveis, devido a dados de treinamento desatualizados, tendenciosos ou imprecisos.
A OpenAI just launched new tools that allow companies to build their own agents artificial intelligence (AI) — enabling ...