格隆汇3月20日|加拿大安大略省教师退休基金 (Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan)本周通知雇员,将关闭在香港的办事处。该基金的管理资产规模约为2558亿加元。该基金发言人Dan Madge表示,作出关闭香港办事处的决定是集团不时因应环境转变、作出优化亚太区运作地点的行动,预期18个月内落实相关安排。香港办事处雇员可以转至新加坡及孟买工作。
安省财政厅确认,已寄出“接近99%”的退税支票。这笔退税支票是发放给所有提交了2023年 税务 申报的安省居民,无论收入水平如何。不过,还有许多其他的税收抵免和政府福利,它们的领取条件更加针对特定人群。
Canada's ruling Liberal Party leader, Mark Carney, was sworn in as the 24th prime minister of the country and appointed a new ...
Ontario Premier Doug Ford holds a news conference regarding the new tariffs that the United States has placed on Canada, at ...
Estados Unidos dio marcha atrás hoy a su plan para imponer los aranceles adicionales de 25 por ciento sobre el acero y el aluminio canadienses, después de que la provincia de Ontario se retractó de ...
Donald Trump ha annunciato l'intenzione di aumentare i dazi del 25%, portandoli al 50% su acciaio e alluminio: ecco cosa ...
Canada's Ontario government on Monday officially applied a 25 percent surcharge on all electricity exports to three US states ...
OTTAWA, March 10 (Xinhua) -- Canada's Ontario government on Monday officially applied a 25 percent surcharge on all electricity exports to three U.S. states. Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that he ...