In the high-stakes world of football, where every match counts, Manchester City finds itself at a critical juncture in the Champions League campaign. Recently, the team's locker room has resembled a c ...
Mix as in mix and mingle, join and become part of a large group. To be in the mix, then, is to be included. Hence, ...
This weekend, the 29th round of the Premier League will feature a focal match, as Leicester City hosts Manchester United at the King Power Stadium. The two teams have had vastly different performances ...
安踏在市场变动中保持了增长。 2025年3月19日,该公司披露业绩。财报显示,在2024年,安踏营收同比增长13.6%至708.26亿元;归母净利润同比增长52.5%至155.96亿元。 另外,在2024年,始祖鸟母公司亚玛芬集团(AMER SPORTS)在纽交所上市。在2024年,亚玛芬收入同比增长17.8%至51.83亿美元,按适用汇率转换为人民币377.52亿元,安踏集团和亚玛芬集团销售额相 ...
根据《越位》的最新报道,AC米兰在即将到来的夏季转会窗口中决定出售后卫特奥·埃尔南德斯,这一决定吸引了包括Manchester City在内的多家俱乐部的关注。特奥于2019年从皇家马德里转会至米兰,而随着米兰无缘欧冠,俱乐部需要通过出售球员来筹集资金。
本赛季英超大黑马诺丁汉森林(Nottingham Forest)在新加坡时间星期六(3月8日)再踢出代表作,凭借边锋哈德森-奥多伊(Hudson-Odoi)一脚爆射得分,主场1比0拿下英超四连冠得主曼市(Manchester ...
(伦敦综合电)两支伦敦球队“蓝军”切尔西(Chelsea)和“热刺”托特纳姆(Tottenham),在星期天(3月9日)的英超赛事中取得一胜一平。蓝军主场1比0小胜排名倒数第二的“狐狸”莱斯特(Leicester),再度反超曼市(Manchester City)升上第四位;热刺则在两球落后的困境下,主场2比2逼平伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth),继续排名第13。
另外,在2024年,始祖鸟母公司亚玛芬集团 (AMER SPORTS)在纽交所上市。在2024年,亚玛芬收入同比增长17.8%至51.83亿美元,按适用汇率转换为人民币377.52亿元,安踏集团和亚玛芬集团销售额相加,总收入首次突破千亿元,达到1085.78亿元。财报显示,安踏持有亚玛芬39.54%的股权,为第一大股东。
Out of, as in out of money. When you’re out of money, you don’t have any left. And when you’re out of money, anything that ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...