As a scientist and engineer with an expertise in ‘space science’, Wayne Scales is no stranger to the STEM world. Scales ...
The average federal student loan debt balance is $38,375, while the total average balance (including private loan debt) may be as high as $41,618.
A Sacramento County resident has sued to stop county officials and the United Way’s local chapter from handing out $725 a ...
The justices will decide whether race or politics was the main factor as Louisiana lawmakers redrew districts for Congress.
For a quarter of a century, a Black neighborhood in Beaumont, Texas, where Chris Jones lives has been the subject of two ...
Researchers examined CA-125 levels at diagnosis, defining them as elevated/borderline or negative/normal in 250,749 patients ...
A new study finds that a common blood test for ovarian cancer may miss some Black and Native American patients, delaying ...
Former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb and other local leaders sent a letter to the Colorado University Board of Regents ...
This post is from our data newsletter, the Rural Index, headed by Sarah Melotte, the Daily Yonder’s data reporter. Subscribe to get a ...
In 1960, 91% of the American population identified as Christian. Today it's 67%, with only 25% actually practicing their ...
Our court system relies on a jury of our peers to enforce criminal law, but new research confirms a "good jury" consists primarily of white men.
Composer Carlos Simon talks about his work ‘Four Black American Dances’ that will be performed by the National Symphony Orchestra in Sarasota concert ...