Occasional anger is normal and generally has little effect on heart health, the researchers say. “If you’re a person who gets ...
Key Takeaways Anger is a normal emotion for children, but it's important to guide them in expressing it ...
Once you acknowledge it, you can channel your anger positively. There are a few ways of accepting your anger. Try venting ...
your attention is undoubtedly now fixed on your coworker. Are you the target of their anger for something you did, or merely an observer of their anger at someone else?
Increased blood flow during anger causes skin warmth, leading to sensations like 'heat of the face' that contribute to the ...
That simmering resentment you're feeling didn't appear overnight. It has roots somewhere in your shared history, whether from a major betrayal or a pattern of smaller disappointments that accumulated ...
We came under fire last week over reporting on an autopsy report for Stephen Dalton. Our personal safety was threatened, personal addresses were published on social ...
A new tax on wrapping papers and cardboard boxes for baguettes and pastries has caused anger among French bakers.
Biblical commentaries are very helpful in the study of the Bible, but they can also be very expensive. A more inexpensive ...
Former Queensland Labor premier Anna Bligh says the Coalition could win the election outright, but the risk of minority ...