Wilton, known for its baking and cake decorating supplies, is sharing its expertise through classes at its Sweet Studio in Naperville.
(In case you missed it, these five design details can make your home look dated.) Still, certain decorating choices stand the test of time and will serve you well regardless of the year on the ...
Dr. Amir Khan shares a versatile and nutritious cake frittata recipe, ideal for any meal. Made with potatoes, eggs, and vegetables, it provides a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, and carbs.
Sun-Times staff reporter Stefano Esposito tries his hand at cake decorating during a class at Wilton Sweet Studio in Naperville. Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere/Sun-Times Share I am British (on my mum’s ...
WILTON - Two people were taken to the hospital with injuries Wednesday morning after a two-vehicle collision on a high-speed section of Route 50 in Wilton. The crash occurred shortly after 9 a.m ...
I buy mine from Wilton (£2.50 for 28g, The Cake Decorating Company) and Sugarflair (£2.35 for 25g, Craft Company). Fitwaffle’s Easy Air Fryer by Eloise Head ( Ebury , £22) is published on ...
Keywords cake decorating, Norman Wilton, McCall's magazine, frosting techniques, decorating cone, pressure control, color combinations, flowers, Christmas tree, wildlife motifs Email us at footage ...