虎扑02月23日讯 GAME1:WBG蓝色方;BLG红色方 点击为本场选手评分>>> 【英雄BP】 WBG禁用:韦鲁斯;杰斯;波比;寒冰;霞 WBG选用:Breathe加里奥;Tian蔚;Xiaohu飞机;Light卡莎;Hang芮尔 BLG禁用:蝎子;卡莉斯塔;阿萝拉;卢锡安;阿卡丽 BLG选用:Bin兰博;Wei猪妹;Knight永恩;Elk伊泽瑞尔;ON牛头 【比赛概况】 3分钟,Tian主 ...
北京时间2月23日14时,2025LPL第一赛段淘汰赛第二日,今日第一场比赛由BLG vs WBG。 首发名单: BLG:Bin、Wei、knight、Elk、ON WBG:Breathe、Tian、Xiaohu、Light、Hang 第一局BP 赛况 第3分钟,WBG上路三人越塔击杀Bin,Tian拿到一血,1-0(WBG在前)。 第5分钟,BLG野辅配合击杀Breathe,同时上路WBG三人再 ...
进入关键的第三局,双方展开了激烈的攻防战。BLG在大树和梦魇的掩护下,多次化解了WBG的进攻。而Light的完美大招和Tian的果断追击,也让比赛充满了悬念。最终,BLG凭借更胜一筹的团战发挥,成功拿下第三局。 第四局,双方更是将比赛推向了高潮。从BLG的潘森 ...
中期WBG推塔时,BLG直接开团,秒掉xiaohu瑞兹,但是Light韦鲁斯收割,WBG打出3换5团灭BLG。最终23分钟中路混战,ELK艾希被秒,breathe奎桑提游龙 ...
Sustained blue light exposure from electronic devices and digital screens is not kind on your overall health, and has been linked to eye strain, macular degeneration and poor sleep quality.
With light therapy lamps, you can get light exposure indoors and reap the health benefits. For those experiencing depression or seasonal affective disorder, bright light therapy is beneficial.
Handheld light meters aren't just a relic of the past, they do things your camera’s built-in light meter can't and are a vintage film photography staple The handheld light meter was once a ...