INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Marion County Emergency Management will conduct an additional tornado siren test on Friday after a scheduled statewide test on Tuesday morning failed to activate the ...
If you hear tornado sirens this morning, don't worry! There's no severe weather in your area. Sirens will sound Tuesday morning throughout the entire state as a test. The sirens will activate the ...
Living in Missouri, tornado sirens are a part of the landscape and a piece of technology that is potentially life-saving. You probably pass by several a day and don’t give them a second thought. They ...
INDIANAPOLIS — Marion County Emergency Management confirms that the county's outdoor tornado sirens failed during the statewide tornado siren test on Tuesday, March 11. Hancock County also confirmed ...
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — It's a sound you hope never to hear in real life, but when tornado sirens blare, they could be the difference between life and death. Madison County Emergency Management Director ...
MARION AND HANCOCK COUNTIES, Ind.–Tornado sirens did not activate in both Marion and Hancock County during Tuesday’s statewide tornado siren test. In a statement, the Marion County Emergency ...
Indianapolis will perform an additional full test of its tornado sirens Friday after the warning system failed to activate during a drill earlier this week, according to Jacob Spence, director of ...
Monroe County Emergency Management is conducting a test of the outdoor siren warning system at about 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11. This is part of a statewide tornado drill. Regular tests occur ...