Contact the study team to discuss study eligibility and potential participation. * Diagnosis of left-sided (greater than 15 cm of disease but not beyond the splenic flexure) or extensive (extending ...
Severity of mucosal inflammation was evaluated using the Mayo score of endoscopic index at each location (rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, and the oral side of the splenic flexure ...
This colonoscopy was intended to confirm the extent of disease (proctitis (rectum only); left-sided colitis (up to the splenic flexure); extensive colitis—beyond the splenic flexure but not involving ...
All risk factors identified in previous studies (smoking, WHO criteria, previously diagnosed with SPs proximal to the splenic flexure, SPs with dysplasia, advanced SPs, advanced adenomas, synchronous ...
Background: Adipose tissue reduction is one of the features in patients with cancer cachexia. However, it remains unclear whether visceral fat area (VFA) and subcutaneous fat area (SFA) contribute ...
The left upper quadrant (LUQ) is the left upper abdominal region, starting from the chest's middle line to the left side of the ribcage and down to the level of the navel (belly button). Pain in ...