Korean cosmetics contract manufacturer Kolmar Korea said Tuesday that its study on the antiaging effects of Spiraea ...
99999公斤可售量 参考售价 建议零售价 中国 苦参提取物厂家 产品区域 苦参提取物是从豆科植物苦参(Sophora flavescens Ait.)的干燥根、植株、果实中提取得到的天然植物成分。它富含多种生物碱,如苦参碱、槐果碱、氧化槐果碱、槐定碱等,其中苦参碱和氧化苦参 ...
Identification: Yellow body with six to seven dark vertical bars. Average adult size is seven – 10 inches, but can grow much larger in some waters. Yellow perch are in the same family as walleye ...
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently recognized Thomas Dembeck Jr. as the new state record holder for yellow perch – Perca flavescens. Dembeck, of Hydes, Md., caught the 2.3-pound, 16 ...
Background: Matrine, an alkaloid derived from the dried roots of Sophora flavescens Aiton, has been utilized for the treatment of liver diseases, but its potential hepatotoxicity raises concerns.