To explore one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths, researchers from three institutes conducted a study by collecting stomach lining samples.
In a recent essay, scientists challenge the prevailing genetic-focused model of cancer, advocating for a shift towards more ...
Understanding your tumor biology is key to finding the right treatment for pancreatic cancer. Identifying mutations, or changes in a [...] READ MORE ...
Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is the fifth most common cancer worldwide, with nearly one million new cases in ...
It's time for researchers to reconsider the current paradigm of cancer as a genetic disease, argued Sui Huang from the ...
The study found that gastric cells in some individuals carried three copies of certain chromosomes, hinting toward exposure ...
Scientists have carefully examined somatic mutations in stomach lining tissue to uncover mutational mechanisms that can lead ...
Successful high-affinity B cells can proliferate under special conditions that reduce the risk of mutation. Capturing this ...
New study demonstrates how high-affinity B cells "bank" their best traits instead of rolling the dice and risking deleterious mutations, with implications for better vaccine design.