Two other fungal diseases, early blight and anthracnose, are also significant diseases in Illinois tomato fields. All three ...
It’s also registered as a seed treatment against common blight, halo blight and bacterial brown spot in dry, edible and succulent beans and as a foliar treatment against common blight and halo blight.
Here we describe pathogen-induced changes in the proteome of Populus trichocarpa stem tissue in response to Sphaerulia musiva (Septoria canker). This hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen causes stem canker ...
{"0": "Apple___Apple_scab", "1": "Apple___Black_rot", "2": "Apple___Cedar_apple_rust", "3": "Apple___healthy", "4": "Blueberry___healthy", "5": "Cherry_(including ...
Arriving at different stages of the season and in various guises and quantities, both Bayer’s Iblon and Syngenta’s Adepidyn ...
Hairy vetch has been show to suppress early blight and septoria leaf spot on tomatoes when planted as a winter cover crop prior to planting tomatoes. Sow seeds in autumn for winter cover.
Spring drilling is well under way across the UK and crops are generally going in pretty good conditions. This earlier start ...
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