“The real stroke of brilliance is the notion that you make the cell younger, and then it would be more resilient to injury,” ...
A recent study published on January 31, 2024, in Nature Aging introduces a potential new drug that could help. Scientists believe this drug can remove harmful “zombie” cells from the liver and slow ...
最近,外网疯传62岁的汤姆·克鲁斯为了延缓衰老,斥巨资使用全身冷冻疗法(Whole Body Cryotherapy, ...
W+端粒塔是来自美国的知名品牌,在NMN领域有着卓越的表现。它创新性地提出了“端粒修复+NMN补充”的双重抗衰理念,产品中添加了多种有助于端粒保护的成分,与NMN协同作用,达到更全面的抗衰老效果。采用了先进的技术和配方,能够有效提高NMN的生物利用度 ...
Aging significantly impacts neurodegeneration, increasing risks for diseases like Alzheimer's. Research focuses on therapies to enhance cognitive function.
Among the big names investing big bucks to prolong their lives are Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Google founders Sergei Brin and ...
近年来,NMN(β-烟酰胺单核苷酸)作为抗衰领域的"黄 ...
He’s developing drugs called senolytics that target these signals, which could minimize some of the damage that we all recognize as aging. Senescence is one of the fundamental processes of aging ...
Why are proponents of ‘smart cities’ neglecting research? Despite the buzz surrounding smart cities in urban-policy circles, studies are lacking on the evidence for what works, what doesn’t ...