The administration is "rejecting flat-out the science," he says, "about the single most dangerous thing that’s ever happened.
WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) -Legacy High School biology teacher Josh Nielsen was awarded the Roberta Faulkner Sund Award for ...
You what? I said to my team in Number Ten, as they explained the origins of Covid. What did you say they were doing?
Unorthodox biologist Michael Levin says cognition lies on a spectrum and that what humans perceive as consciousness could ...
The best-selling author and podcaster on how to preserve robust physical, cognitive and emotional health, and how Medicine ...
In order to tackle AI at post-secondary institutions, we need to start at the source: elementary and high school systems.
Nvidia has unveiled Blue, a cute advanced AI-powered robot with two legs. Meanwhile, Boston Dynamics hit back with a fresh ...
In its most basic form, dopamine décor looks like a use of bold colours, playful patterns, nostalgic objects, and lots of ...
Patil, who has spent the past year leveraging AI tools in his workflow, emphasises the significant impact these tools have on ...
Accidental CEO” of Syracuse nonprofit takes on the education establishment with a science-based approach to reading.
Positive psychology was developed to counter psychology’s focus on “the bad stuff.” Positive psychology studies psychosocial ...
Dell Technologies CEO Michael Dell told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday why he thinks the PC refresh cycle is beginning.