Note: This has only been tested on Windows 10 64-bit but may work on other versions of Windows. Support for other operating systems is not planned. This has also only been tested on Firefox. Also, ...
Appium Desktop is unsupported, no longer maintained, and has known security vulnerabilities. It is advised not to use it at all. See the README for more information. Use at your own risk.
MP3 Juice is a popular online platform that allows users to search for and download MP3 music files for free. It provides access to a vast collection of music by fetching audio from different sources ...
IT之家2 月 25 日消息,由香港特区政府重点创科项目“InnoHK 创新香港研发平台”资助的香港生成式人工智能研发中心(HKGAI)今日正式发布 HKGAI V1 大模型。这是香港首个人工智能大模型,揭开了香港人工智能发展的新篇章。 香港生成式人工智能研发中心负责人 ...
阿迈奇 ACEMAGIC V1 的迷你主机日常售价 799 元,今日京东旗舰店立减 200 元,实付 599 元即可入手。 该机采用英特尔 N150 处理器,准系统版券后此价,8+256G 版券后 869 元、16+512G 版券后 1069 元: 京东阿迈奇 V1 迷你主机英特尔 Twin Lake N150 券后 599 元起领 200 元券 这款 ...
Canon has introduced the PowerShot V1, a compact point-and-shoot camera aimed at video content creators. It features a new sensor, a wide-angle zoom lens, and unique shooting modes tailored for ...
The method of downloading any content via a browser is very straightforward. All you must do is click on a download link, choose a suitable storage location for the file or a folder, and then save ...
Microsoft Edge is doing away with the downloading tray that appears at the bottom of the browser window, soon after you begin a download. It will now have a dedicated option under the Settings ...