But it’s hard to beat smooth hydrangea, which can be chopped back drastically and still reach 3 to 5 feet tall during the ...
Meet the most common botanical interlopers you're likely to find in your garden or vegetable patch, and learn how to treat ...
Horticulture Specialist Amanda Weidner of the Pueblo County CSU-Extension Office writes about planting trees and offers tips ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to divide a hydrangea and whether you can plant anything under evergreens ...
My Aloe vera plant is looking reddish-brown. When I use my plant app, Picture This, it says the plant looks healthy. What do ...
HAS sprung, the grass is on the rise, as are your weeds and garden chores. Your soil and its fertility will be a major concern if you want a bountiful harvest.