Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is a contagious skin infection that causes an itchy, ring-shaped rash. The best fungus-fighting treatment for ringworm depends on its location and severity. Unfortunately, ...
If you have ringworm on your scalp, you can also wash your hair with an OTC medicated antifungal shampoo. These shampoos kill fungi on the scalp and stop inflammation. You can purchase them from a ...
When Montreal cat behaviour expert Daniel Filion speaks at conferences in Canada and France, he often gets asked the same question: Do our cats love us? Mr. Filion, who founded the company ...
Languages: English. You can get in touch with Alyce by emailing a.collins@newsweek.com A cat who had only ever lived outside got to experience a bed for the first time, and the footage has melted ...
IDF drops evacuation fliers over Gaza while protests underway in Jerusalem ...
Ringworm, also known as tinea corporis, is a type of fungal skin infection. It’s common and highly contagious but not serious. It can often be treated with an over-the-counter topical fungicidal ...
The Gentle Hydrating Shampoo ingredient list reads just like some of the bestselling skincare—ceramides, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid that work to nourish your scalp's microbiome while also ...