Grocery store shelves are full of maple leaf stickers and shelf talkers indicating products are, in some way, Canadian. But ...
概况:在长沙这座历史悠久的城市里,烈士公园如同一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在繁华的都市之中。每当秋季来临,公园内的枫树便换上了火红的衣裳,吸引着无数市民与游客前来观赏。今天,就让我们一同走进烈士公园,感受那如火如荼的枫叶美景,以及市民们在这片红色海洋中的欢歌 ...
Harper also avoids, for the most part, praising or condemning the various banners that have represented the country. Past ...
Leaves – Generally 3-lobed, serrate, with the sides of the terminal lobe often convergent; glaucous below. Flower – One of the first trees to flower in the spring with small red flowers that hang in ...
Charles personally chose the October Glory maple tree and selected its position in the gardens of the royal residence.
The good old red and white maple leaf flag is having a bit of an anniversary on Dec. 15. The Canadian flag — which many fly as a source of national pride — was actually adopted on this day back in ...
Saturday is Flag Day, which is held annually to mark the first time the red and white maple leaf flag was raised on Parliament Hill on Feb. 15, 1965, replacing the Canadian Red Ensign.
This weekend marks 60 years since red maple leaf was first raised on Parliament Hill All of the country's living former prime ministers are asking Canadians to fly the red maple leaf this weekend ...
Dr. Stanley provided a detailed historical rationale for his simple, elegant design of a stylized red maple leaf on a field of white, with two red side bars. Dr. Stanley asserted that a new ...
BCL stores are adding red maple leaf shelf labels next to the price labels of products supplied by Canadian manufacturers.