Insights from Toras Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe's father, presented by Shliach Rabbi Dovid Dubov of New Jersey, for Parshas Ki Sisa: Purim/Mordechai in the Parsha. Full Story, Video ...
Rabbi Ari Jun is a self-described liberal Zionist who has advocated for the Palestinians. A version of this story originally appeared on CincyJewfolk, an independent journalism and engagement site ...
We learn that as Adam HaRishon walked in Gan Eden, he stumbled over two stones – darkness and the shadow of death. He was startled, and didn’t know what to do with them. He rubbed the two ...
Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch & Rabbi Eyal SalmanJCC Chabad Jewish Community of Kiev "How can Jewish life be maintained behind bars during wartime?" — This question was at the heart of a special ...
Our sages ask how it is possible to fulfill this mitzvah when we have neither the priestly garments nor the Beis HaMikdash. Indeed, the Baal Shem Tov teaches that every mitzvah in the Torah is for ...
Donald Trump has performed some pretty “messianic” acts, both in his former term and now, with stunning decisions that make us shake our heads and whisper, “Is it Mashiach time?!” People ...
Today, she and her husband, Rabbi Dovid Martinetti, serve as Chabad emissaries in Milan, Italy. “It feels like a dream to be standing here,” she said through tears, the audience rising to their feet ...
After more than five decades along Coast Highway in Newport Beach, the Spaghetti Bender announced that it will close its doors for good on Sunday, March 2. “Our most humble ‘thank you’ to ...