Korean designer Junho Kang has produced Cling, a stool made using stainless steel inspired by traditional rock climbing.
Noticing black stool can be alarming, but the cause isn’t always serious. Sometimes, black stool can stem from harmless factors like diet or medication. However, it may also signal blood in the stool ...
It was June 1968. Beverly was a 23-year-old Canadian university librarian on vacation in Mazatlan, Mexico, with a good friend ...
No matter its killer’s visage, Heart Eyes is really a cinematic smiling-poop emoji.
Fever, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting can also occur. You may lose your appetite. Although pancreatic cancer isn't common, it's another potential cause for floating stool. One of the first symptoms of ...
Holding in poop on occasion is not harmful, but doing this often can lead to constipation, impaction, inflammation, and more severe complications. People who hold in their poop too often may start ...
Sometimes, people have poop that's so dark it looks black. It might also have a sticky consistency, like that of tar. If your poop is black, it might be due to a change in your diet, a new ...
Let’s talk about dialogue in screenplays, because if there’s one thing that can make or break your script, it’s the words ...
A controversial gun control law has been deemed constitutional in the Oregon Court of Appeals, effectively lifting the hold on gun safety protections in the state. Read online: ...
Causes of green poop fall under a few categories: food, medications, supplements, or infections. It can be disconcerting if your stool looks different than normal. Green poop is not usually cause ...