【本文由小黑盒作者@只能喝苏打于03月17日发布,转载请标明出处!】 设置电源高性能 方法 鼠标点击Windows图标右键——选择终端管理员 输入 powercfg -s ...
There you have it, Shacknews. Your Evening Reading for March 13, 2025. Please consider playing our first game Bubbletron for ...
An AMD executive has promised that fresh stock of RX 9070 and RX 9070 XT graphics cards – which are currently all sold out in ...
Radeon graphics cards, despite being technologically behind their competitors in the past, have always been popular and loved by their fans for their ...
While Nvidia claimed "4090 performance" out of the 5070, that was only with the company's controversial mutli-frame ...
RTX 5090 32GB vs GeForce RTX 4090 24GB in Mafia 2 with NVIDIA PhysX | 2160p Buy MSI RTX 5090 - <a ...
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50系列的第三款显卡RTX 5070 Ti已经发布,紧随其后的RTX 5070也将于3月5日到来,再接下来,就要轮到甜品级的RTX 5060系列了 ...
Nvidia is finding itself under some criticism, which isn't much of a surprise, as this seems to happen everytime a new generation of GPUs launch. However, it seems as if the list of reasons to avoid ...
One of the controversies surrounding the ongoing launch of the GeForce RTX 50 series concerns the fact that it has dropped hardware acceleration for PhysX effects in 32-bit games. This affects the ...
Nvidia RTX 50系显卡已完全取消对32位软件的支持,使物理引擎软件PhysX“寿终正寝”。市面上并无集成PhysX技术的64位游戏,这意味着PhysX将在RTX 50系及 ...
Nvidia RTX 50系显卡已完全取消对32位软件的支持,使物理引擎软件PhysX“寿终正寝”。市面上并无集成PhysX技术的64位游戏,这意味着PhysX将在RTX 50系及以上的显卡上退出历史舞台。 Reddit一名网友发贴称,他为此专门购买了RTX 3050,配合他的RTX 5090一起玩游戏。