Adopting organic methods and shifting towards sustainable agricultural practices by incorporating the results of modern ...
Hyderabad: The future of food security depends on the health of soil and plants. To improve both, natural methods must be ...
The future of food security and nutritional security depends on the health of soil and plants, therefore, there is a need to ...
为解决橄榄树受干旱影响问题,研究人员探究 PGPR 与生物炭组合对其抗旱性的影响,发现该组合可增强抗旱性,意义重大。 来自西班牙莱昂大学(University of León)的研究人员深入开展研究,他们将目光聚焦于植物生长促进根际细菌(Plant Growth-Promoting ...
为应对干旱对农业的威胁,研究人员探究 PGPR 提升作物耐旱机制,发现其可通过多种方式增强作物耐旱性,为培育耐旱作物提供理论支持。 在全球气候变化的大背景下,干旱已成为农业生产的 “头号公敌”。频繁且严重的干旱事件,让农作物的生长和产量遭受 ...
Shopping for plants online opens up a world of flora options. Getty Images Live plants are a great way to add some life and color to your indoor and outdoor spaces. If it's tricky to squeeze in a ...
2021). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can directly or indirectly boost plant growth under stress, inhibit plant pathogenic Bacteria, and enhance plant tolerance to drought by stimulating ...
Traditional plant stands seem to come in two styles: those mid-century-modern ones that stay low to the ground and fit just one big pot, and the more bookshelf-style bamboo units with a few ...
Whether you’re planting in your yard, on a windowsill, or in a public space, you can help create more bird-friendly habitats with native plants. Find the best plants for your area (and where to get ...