For decades, scientists believed that lead-208 (²⁰⁸Pb), the heaviest known "doubly magic" nucleus, was perfectly spherical.
In a surprising turn of events, an international team of scientists has found that lead-208 (208Pb), the heaviest known ...
The new material could be key to finally building a successful fusion reactor.
Einsteinium-255, produced through irradiation in ILL’s high-flux reactor, provided a continuous supply of fermium-255, ...
A research team from the Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has recently published a study in The ...
UCLA physicists have developed a new thin film that uses far less of the rare thorium-229 while also being significantly less ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Physicists have discovered deformed atomic nuclei by measuring electron shell shifts, providing insights into nuclear structure. High-precision measurements of ...
This article was originally published with the title “ The Size and Shape of Atomic Nuclei ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 221 No. 2 (August 1969), p. 58 doi:10.1038 ...
STUDIES of the structure of the nuclei in the salivary glands of various species of Drosophila (hydei, repleta, funebris, lugubrina, virilis) have shown no essential differences of structure among ...
The quantum size of a neutrino has been measured for the first time using innovative table-top measurements of the particle’s decay. Neutrinos are thought to be the second most common particles ...
In both cases, energy is freed because the mass of the remaining nucleus is smaller than the mass of the reacting nuclei. The reason why opposite processes release energy can be understood by ...