The muscle we’re talking about is the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle that sits below the lungs and is our primary ...
Side-to-side stretches are the best for relaxing tight neck muscles, easily relieving stress levels. When done regularly throughout the day, especially during breaks between work, they help keep good ...
August 15, 2025, is the FDA PDUFA goal date for TNX-102 SL for the management of fibromyalgia; If approved, TNX-102 SL would become the first new ...
The good news is that it’s easy to loosen up with a few simple stretches in your chair. Moving your back in all possible directions—which means flexion, extension, rotation and lateral (sideways) ...
There are some simple exercises that can be done easily at your desk. You can incorporate desk push-ups, chair squats, seated ...
Cerebral palsy adalah masalah medis jangka panjang yang bisa dideteksi sejak dini. Ketahui penanganannya di sini!
“Emergency care should be sought out if a headache is extremely painful. A fever, a stiff neck, photophobia (light ...
Discover why heartburn intensifies the moment you lie down at night, plus 7 tested remedies to help you sleep comfortably without that burning chest pain.
Jangan diabaikan, Parents perlu paham tentang Dandy Walker Syndrome, kelainan bawaan yang memengaruhi perkembangan otak.