Every pup parent has witnessed it – the sudden bursts of energy where your dog dashes around the house or yard like their ...
Dogs may be more likely to bury items when they are bored or have lots of pent-up energy. Make sure to offer daily walks, ...
A university tennis club has donated a "big bag" of used balls to a dog rehoming centre ... were having an ace time playing with their new toys. "Donations like these are always greatly ...
Could your pet dog also prefer yellow? Would yellow bowls or toys be more appealing to them? It’s not clear yet, but it’s highly plausible that your pet at home shares this strong visual ...
Just the presence of a dog off lead can scare wildlife and livestock. Even a quick chase or scare can make them abandon their nests, leaving eggs or chicks to die,” Richard explains. This is ...
Phillip says: "A healthy dog is a happy dog and you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a good and balanced diet. "Feeding your pooch natural dog food with great nutritional value can have ...
Philip Legood, a dog psychologist and trainer, told Green Pantry, a natural dog food company: "Whilst cuddling our dogs offers us great comfort, the same can’t always be said the other way around.
Now, the stuffed animal is the hottest dog toy in America — with some four-legged collectors even hoarding hundreds of the affordable $6.99 plushie. Manhattanite Mango loves his Lamb Chops ...