Mycorrhizae’s main function is to expand the plant’s root absorptive system (root mass). Most of the expansion of the root absorptive system is due to the development of a hyphal network that extends ...
VESICULAR-ARBUSCULAR mycorrhiza has been found to be widespread in cereals and in many grasses in Britain 1. The incidence of root infection and the amount of endophyte mycelium on the root ...
Introduction: Burgeoning mycorrhizal research has focused on identifying the various diverse mycorrhizal strategies of forest communities. Mounting evidence suggests that mycorrhizae play important ...
This study summarizes the current research status of the impacts of crop domestication and improvement on root ...
As soon as you add mycorrhizae to the planting hole when planting your seedlings, saplings, flowers, bush, repotting houseplants, etc., the fungi go to work. They bond with the plant’s existing root ...
Bai Yongfei from the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with partners, has highlighted the critical role of mycorrhizal symbiosis in enhancing soil ...
Modern agriculture highly depends on the achievements of crop domestication and improvement. While these activities increase yields, they also reduce ...
New research published in the journal Nature on February 26, 2025, uses advanced robotics to track the hyper-efficient supply chains formed between plants and mycorrhizal fungi as they trade carbon ...
Aside from the three important components – N, P, K, it contains kelp, bat guano, worm casts, humic acid, mycorrhizae, etc. It also has a variety of micros and macros, enzymes to bio-activate the root ...
If you grow houseplants, especially these days, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the gadgets, potions and gizmos that ...
Soil fertility is the foundation of sustainable agriculture, ensuring healthy crop growth and long-term productivity. By ...