The price was well worth it, said Gower, 43, because of “how loved [her daughter] felt.” She said she felt similarly about her older daughter Madison’s Philadelphia-themed bat mitzvah celebration ...
I have spent the last two weeks in Perth, Western Australia, celebrating the bar mitzvah of my second grandson. It was an intensely emotional and joyful experience, made even more significant ...
Did a child in your family recently have a b'nai mitzvah? If so, and if you're interested in their celebration being considered for a photo feature in an upcoming issue of Bar•Bat Mitzvah ...
Bar/Bat Mitzvah announcements are printed as a public service by the Jewish Press. The content of the announcement printed is at the sole discretion of the newspaper ...
But today, according to Marcio Bellora Saraceni, a 29-year old lawyer from Rio de Janeiro, “all of Brazil knows” the name Nissim Ourfali — a bar mitzvah boy who became one of the country’s ...