The state's 92 soil and water conservation districts soon will be able to to use money from the Clean Water Indiana Fund to manage invasive plant species.
Despite decades of warnings about overfishing, Southeast Asia's capture fisheries have proven remarkably robust.
World’s longest anaconda: The first image that comes to mind when hearing the name anaconda is that of a giant species of ...
Beyond an hour-long lights out, organizers of Earth Hour are urging participants to do something they enjoy that is good for ...
Sylt Island, located in the North Sea near the Germany-Denmark border, is part of an island chain “naturally void of snakes,” he wrote. But, since the 1970s, islanders have occasionally reported snake ...
"This is bad news," Emma Pelton, an endangered species biologist, told the AP. "But we have seen incredible recovery. This ...
Any person or group can delay any forest management project by simply coming up with new information on any endangered ...
After the horrors of World War II and yet again in humanity’s history, law was seen as a rational means for containing such ...
Nine trees will be removed along the western edge of Cooma Showground from the middle of next month, with the ornamental ...
PORTLAND, Ore.—The Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Thursday to protect the ...