This demo shows an Internet of Things (IoT) integration example using Apache Kafka + Kafka Connect + MQTT Connector + Sensor Data. This project does not include any source code as Kafka Connect allows ...
Centalised API that processes aggregates coming in from the Aggregator via RabbitMQ. Also is a REST interface for the website and external users.
山东捷瑞数字科技股份有限公司,将人才作为企业发展的根本,把认同企业文化的人组成的团队作为企业的核心竞争力。公司将员工职业发展需要与企业发展需要相结合,采取多种措施,构筑全方位、多层次的人才培训体系,打造学习型企业,促进人力资本的 ...