Isn’t that the reason why we study the Bible? Within its pages, we learn how to be the best person the Lord created us to be.
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
Learn about the Mark of the Beast in this Biblically grounded exploration of Revelation's prophecy. Discover what Scripture ...
In it we read about how Satan aggressively but unsuccessfully tempted Jesus in the desert. The first temptation took ...
They also believe in an evil being Satan. Angels are always ready to carry out ... in virgin birth According to the Quran and the Bible Jesus was conceived by a miracle of God himself before ...
The Book of Revelation is one of the most awe-inspiring books in the New Testament, with scenes of cosmic conflict and ...
Jesus spoke those words that are recorded for us in Luke’s gospel. They are in a lengthy passage, thirteen straight verses on the subject of hell. He did not speak them as a metaphor; he even used a ...
Makandiwa at the $1 million challenge launch By Religious Reporter-Self-styled prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has officially launched his controversial spiritual powers challenge, with applicants ...
Biblical scholar Brandon Robbins shared with Charisma Media how the series transformed his perspective, taking the disciples off their unreachable pedestals.
Over the years. as a film critic, I’ve sometimes been asked to change my reviews so that my criticism wouldn’t prevent people from seeing the movie and being impacted by its message. This question cam ...