Chundawat is a bioengineer and expert on protein engineering and glycosciences, the study of complex carbohydrates such as cellulose. To make the cells fluorescent and detectable by the microscope, he ...
For very small screens A team of Chinese boffins have emerged from their smoke-filled labs having created a pixel which is ...
Researchers have revealed the structural underpinnings of memory formation across a broad network of neurons in the mouse ...
A study led by bioengineers at the University of California San Diego sheds new light on how a type of heart valve disease, ...
Hundreds of regular patterns spontaneously emerge on a small germanium chip. A curiosity about tiny dots on a germanium wafer ...
FlowCam uses Flow Imaging Microscopy (FIM) to characterize particles in liquid biopharmaceutical formulations. There are ...
Researchers tested computational predictions by peering into condensates using novel super-resolution microscopy methods.
Super-resolution microscopy includes a variety of microscopy techniques that increase the resolving ability of a light microscope well beyond the classical limits dictated by the diffraction barrier.
Image acquisition software for mesoSPIM light-sheet microscopes. Compatible with all official versions of mesoSPIM hardware (Benchtop, v4, v5), and multple ...
The illustration explains the physical foundations of the new method by showing a light path through the microscope from the light source (left), via condenser, specimen, objective, and detector. The ...
In a televised interview, the DPWH Secretary Manuel Bonoan said the bridge — which was only opened to the public in February — was initially meant for light vehicles. He said it had design ...