Kitty Dukakis, the wife of former Massachusetts governor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, who spoke openly about her struggles with depression and ...
This week's featured SPCA pets include the hard-charging Chase, the sweet Coconut, the playful kitten Possum and the tender ...
For those coffee drink­ers who want to enjoy a unique experience, you may want to scratch your next trip to Dunkins and ...
Walking a cat on a leash is an entirely different experience from walking a dog. Cats tend to have a different philosophy on ...
Norman is a very entertaining cat who will leave his family very entertained and filled with love. When not playing, he likes ...
For six years and going strong, Stray Cat Central continues to make a difference in the world of foster-based animal rescue.
Catio” is a cute term for an enclosed patio for cats—in other words, it’s a “cat patio.” It can stand on its own as an ...
It was the bitter cold of this past winter, and things had gotten pretty desperate. It had been weeks; was she even still alive? Was she injured and unable to respond? Or was she simply ...
For some curious reason known only to them, cats seem to enjoy terrorizing and destroying perfectly helpless houseplants.
Cats can be incredibly laid back and content to snooze for most of the day so it may come as a surprise for you to learn that ...
If you are interested in adopting one of these animals, please check with the shelter or rescue to be sure the animal is ...