Eager to be first in line, the astute James VI of Scotland responded to the question of the English succession with a war of ...
Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones landed near Cairo after becoming the first people to circle the globe by balloon.
Celebrate the return of spring with our Lifestyle Editor's curated itineraries to five inspiring destinations to explore 'out of town' ...
Only eight years earlier, Henry IV had deposed his cousin Richard II, who died in custody soon afterwards. Richard’s rule was ...
Brad Pitt's surprising royal lineage traces back to King Henry II—keep reading to uncover his fascinating medieval connection ...
The Stallions are gearing up for an exciting season with key players ready to make an impact led by senior infielder/pitcher ...
The eventful Avignon Papacy included three different popes ruling at the same time and an Irish king complaining about the English ...
King Charles III is set to have an audience with Pope Francis during a visit to the Vatican next month, suggesting there is optimism the pontiff will be back at work by then.
King Charles and Queen Camilla will visit Pope Francis next month as the Catholic leader continues to battle a life ...
LONDON - Britain's King Charles is still hoping to see Pope Francis during a state visit to the Vatican and Italy next month, ...
The visit of King Charles and Queen Camilla of the United Kingdom to the Vatican next month will include an audience with ...